Business Intelligence and Big Data Analytics

In the last decade, one of the main reasons for the success of private businesses and government organizations is their use of business intelligence and the results of their business data analysis and the knowledge extracted from that data. With the advancement of digital technology, the volume, variety and speed of data generation have increased greatly, and therefore businesses and organizations have a serious need to launch their big data and use special technology to analyze and develop this technology. Also, sometimes there is a need to combine or map data to a specific structure such as a graph structure and then analyze that graph instead of the corresponding data using complex algorithms. It is clear that traditional methods are not able to respond to these needs of organizations and businesses and they need to use big data analysis methods. Therefore, this research group to carry out related projects and provide specialized services for big data in various fields such as: medicine, health, urban management, optimization of urban and suburban traffic management, tourism.

• Increasing effective data volume and data quality to create big data
• Designing suitable big data structures and their implementation
• Designing descriptive and predictive analytical procedures for different big data
• Implementation of managers' analytical dashboards for different big data
• Extracting effective patterns and generating useful knowledge from big data
Optimizing business processes using their big data analysis
• Modeling complex big data using new technologies such as deep learning
• Creating predictive and decision support systems using big data analysis

Research Groups

Dr Hamid Rastegari


Faculty of Computer